

Contributing to the United Nations SDGs:

Governance as a Cornerstone to Success

Corporate governance is integral to Gurit’s sustainability efforts, embodying values like accountability, transparency, diversity, risk management, and compliance.

Governance Policy and Systems

Prevent: Policies and Employee Awareness

  • Gurit’s Code of Conduct outlines the ethical standards and principles for decision-making and everyday behavior across areas like conflict of interest, anti-corruption, fair employment practices, health & safety, and data privacy. Available in nine languages, our Code represents Gurit’s values and commitment to ethical business practices. All new employees complete training on the Code of Conduct, either online or in person. Find more on our approach in the Corporate Governance chapter of the Annual Report.

  • Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption
    Gurit has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption. We limit exposure by focusing on private-sector partnerships and operating in industries less prone to corruption. Our zero-tolerance policy, clear guidelines on gifts and entertainment, and regular training for at-risk employees help prevent corruption.

  • Antitrust and Fair Competition
    Gurit is committed to fair competition. We prevent anti-competitive behavior through strict Antitrust and Fair Competition Guidelines, with specialized e-learning for employees in risk-exposed roles.

Detect: Risk Management


  • Internal Audits on Ethical Standards
    Legal & Compliance and Internal Audit teams collaborate to identify potential issues like bribery or fraud, using standardized audit checklists aligned with Gurit’s sustainability and ethical policies.
  • ESG Risks in the Company Risk Map
    Gurit has incorporated ESG risks into its company risk map. Using a double materiality analysis, we have evaluated governance, social, environmental, and economic topics, assigning each a likelihood and financial impact. This approach helps us prioritize and manage ESG-related risks as part of our overall risk framework.

Report: Channels for Concerns and Advice

  • Seeking Guidance and Raising Concerns
    Employees can seek guidance on the Code of Conduct, raise concerns, or discuss sustainability policies with managers, Group management, or the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee. Additionally, local grievance mechanisms are available in some locations.
  • Report-a-Concern Channel [Link to Report-A-Concern page TBD]
    Our “Report-a-Concern” policy and channel, available to all employees and stakeholders, promotes transparency and ethical business practices. This anonymous service is operated by an external partner, allowing concerns to be reported confidentially. All cases are handled professionally by our Legal & Compliance team, with external experts consulted if necessary.

Respond: Action Taken and Continuous Improvement

We continuously review and update our policies based on audit findings or raised concerns, reinforcing our commitment to ethics and sustainability.

Sustainable Supply Chain

Gurit purchases raw materials, semi-finished products and equipment from suppliers. These include chemicals, fibers, fabrics, and equipment, which are converted into advanced composite products and manufacturing solutions for the wind energy, marine and other industrial sectors.

Our procurement process ensures responsible sourcing in line with international standards. This includes due diligence to maintain ethical, sustainable supply chains for all materials and services as well as risk assessment and mitigation.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a material topic at Gurit, focusing on delivering value to our customers helping them create lightweight, durable structures that meet performance and cost goals. Ensuring customer safety through onsite technical support, product, and process training related to safe handling is essential. In regions where Gurit does not have an office, we work with distributors who receive training and support from us.

To stay aligned with market needs, Gurit maintains an open dialogue with customers through surveys, meetings, and updates on business performance, technical advancements, and sustainability.

Gurit also rigorously manages customer data in compliance with GDPR and other data privacy laws. Staff receive mandatory online data protection training, with a dedicated data officer overseeing GDPR adherence.