Recycling tempered glass plates 

Case Study RECYCLING TEMPERED GLASS PLATES FOR USE IN SWIMMING POOL FILTRATION SYSTEMS The Gurit site in Magog recycles the tempered glass plates used for assembling the molds in production for SAN structural core foam. These glass windows break during the production...

Gurit nominated finalist in JEC Innovation Awards

Zurich, February 9, 2023 – Gurit is honoured to announce that it has been nominated for the 2023 JEC Innovation Awards in the Renewable Energy category. Following a rigorous selection process from hundreds of submissions, Gurit is proud to be selected as one of three...

Gurit meldet einen Nettoumsatz von CHF 499.5 Millionen für 2022

Zürich, 30. Januar 2023 – Ad-hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KRGurit (SIX Swiss Exchange: GURN) gab heute einen vorläufigen und ungeprüften Nettoumsatz von CHF 499.5 Millionen für das Gesamtjahr 2022 bekannt. Der Nettoumsatz der fortgeführten Geschäftsbereiche belief...

Gurit receives silver award for sustainability performance

Zurich, January 26, 2023 Gurit (SIX Swiss Exchange: GURN) has been awarded a silver medal for its sustainability performance from EcoVadis, one of the world’s largest sustainability rating agencies. This places Gurit in the top 12% of all EcoVadis-rated companies.  ...